Argentina's economy minister has resigned in the first major departure from President Cristina Fernandez's four-month-old administration, a government official said Friday.Local coverage from Clarin and La Nacion. La Nacion also has a profile of the new minister.
Martin Lousteau, a 36-year-old wunderkind and former head of a state-run bank, reportedly had run-ins with other Fernandez aides over inflation and the direction of the economy after a bitter 21-day farm strike....
Asked what prompted the resignation, the source said he could not provide additional information. But he said the president and top officials were meeting overnight and had designated Argentina's tax chief, Carlos Fernandez, as his successor.
Two points of note. First, this could be the president's way of telling the population that she is trying to do something about the strikes, shortages, inflation and other economic problems that are slowly increasing in Argentine's daily lives. Second, they got rid of one of the few new faces in the government and replaced it with a long time Kirchner loyalist. This means the president will hear fewer dissenting views within her circle of advisors.
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