Early this week, the Colombian military announced the capture of "Santiago", who had replaced FARC leader JJ after his death one year ago. Along with Santiago, the Colombian military seized a new laptop that contained significant information about weapons and explosives trafficking coming from Central America, particularly Nicaragua. The laptop also contained information about new security measures the FARC had taken after the seizure of Raul Reyes' laptops.
Tonight, the Colombian military announced that "Karina" had deserted and turned herself in to a military unit. Karina has been a FARC combatant for 20 years and was considered one of the highest ranking women in the organization. She told the military she was "cansada de guerra."
Both Santiago and Karina are considered two of the top mid-level commenders, probably in the top 15 or 20 of the entire FARC organization. Add this to last week's announcement that Mono Jojoy was nearly killed by his own security unit, and there is significant evidence that the FARC's organization is further breaking apart. While it's premature to say the FARC will disintegrate soon, they certainly aren't the organization they were five years or even one year ago.
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